Forest Swastikas: Nazi Symbols Still Plague Forests in Europe? Unrelenting Trees Kept Growing After Being Chained Down Twice? [VIDEO & REPORT]

An landscaping company intern in 1992, Ökoland Dederow saw the brown-yellow Swastikas while looking for irrigation lines through aerial photographs.

Local foresters said that the trees (which change color in the fall) were planted in contrast to the evergreen forest (which stays green always) in late 1930s. But it was not discovered for such a long period of time because of the ban of private planes in East Germany, in addition to the low flight that would be required to see the symbols.

The Forest Swastikas were chopped off once in 1995, and another in 2000, but the trees grew back once again. Kyrgystan and other parts of Germany also suffer from the unrelenting plague.

The larch trees were only visible in the fall, and was reportedly planted for to celebrate Hitler's birthday (though Hitler's birthday is in April). The Swastikas were confirmed to be about 200 by 200 feet. One farmer said that the trees were planted for a few cents per seedling, while others say that the forest swastikas were placed to represent loyalty to the Nazis, in fear of some villages being taken to concentration camps after one of their own was captured.

One of the forests had the year "1933" built into it, as Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Whatever the reason might be for the evil signs that is permanently scarring the land, german officials are seeking for a way to remove the trees again once and for all, so that their shame would not be reminded on its landscapes.

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