’Winds Of Winter’ versus ‘Game Of Thrones Season 6, 7’: Final Pages Done? George RR Martin Updates Fans

The "Winds of Winter" is considered to be the the last book in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" career venture. But it has taken him so long to finish that "Game of Thrones season 6" has already finished its last episode over the weekend.

Now, fans are anxious to find out if "Game of Thrones season 6" has stayed true to what many believed to be part of "Winds of Winter." Though the book has not been finished, George R.R. Martin has expressed that he has collaborated with the HBO show runners in some aspects of the novel. Sources have it that R.R. Martin has already completed writing last book of the "Song of Ice and Fire" series.

Fans are now eyeing Martin's sixth novel to explain some details from the series and to compare which ones were made up and which ones stayed true to Martin's vision. His career was abruptly stunted when he did not make the deadline for the final book. He was disappointed in himself that he did not finish in time, according to his own journals.

But "Game of Thrones season 6 episode 10" did not disappoint fans nonetheless. It kept them at bay while Martin was busy writing the hard copy. Why did it take Martin so long to finish? In a recent sit-down, Martin had an interview alongside Stephen King. Martin asked the horror novelist about his pace in writing. In the interview, Martin asked how King can write so many books so fast compared to his pace where he can only write three books in six months time. King replied that he writes everyday and he is compelled to finish at least six pages every day. Looking at the time line, after so many months, it looks like Martin is done with the chapters in the book and it only needs some ironing out.

"Winds of Winter" is expected to be released by the end of the year, just in time for Christmas.

Entertainment, George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones Season 6, Game of Thrones Season 7, Winds of Winter, A Song of Ice and Fire