Amazon’s Book Reviewers Are Old School Influencers Of What People Read

Amazon is a company run by multiple metrics, service levels, algorithms and engineers but some things are just too manual to be done. Amazon's small group of book reviewers and editors still pose as a major influence in the book categories.

They build the Amazon Book Review culture and it is trying to maintain its presence and influence the world of literature.

According to the Seattle Times, Amazon is mostly fully automated but there are still old school staff members. These guys read books and are employed to do so. They write about them and rank the books based on what the quality. This gives book readers the added assistance of sifting through thousands of books. This is the old school footprint of the biggest online retail company while it is busy maintaining its tech status in the industry.

Amazon book editors are described to be rare birds. These editors review Amazon Books and they create lists of recommendations on Amazon's bookstore. First assembled by Sara Nelson, she saw that Amazon intends to cement its mark in the book culture compared to selling books.

Nelson points out that the team helps the books become a success. Book writers, editors and publishers are skeptic sometimes regarding the ratings being offered by Amazon reviewers but it does the trick. The company nurtures the success of the products.

Amazon's editorial team helps book writers and the books themselves become a success. Amazon started out as an online bookstore that eventually diversified into CDs and other media content. Later on, it added different product catalogs that millions of customers purchase.

Guardian Columnist Mark Lawson once wrote that one can be suspicious of a trophy being awarded by Amazon. But it is reported by one book editor that Amazon knows its customers are humans who like to read books.

Career, Customer Service, Amazon