The red-haired woman was completely un-phased in the announcement when she saw the 4 names, continuing to read the names as if nothing happened, the audience could not see any sign of chuckling or even a veiled smile on her face.
When the stereotypically racist asian names were provided to the news channel through their still unidentified source. KTVU reportedly never sounded the names out phonetically, and did not speak with someone in charge from the NTSB when they announced the names on public television.
The names were: 'Captain Sum Ting Wong,' 'Wi Tu Lo,' 'Ho Lee Fuk,' and 'Bang Ding Ow.' The last of them seriously spelling out what the name was meant to portray in perfect english.
The television channel almost immediately expressed regret over the incident during the news episode. However, the names were apparently confirmed when they had called NTSB earlier, though the young man they were speaking with was an intern.
NTSB, the National Transportation Safety Board, however, does not normally speak of names of people involved in plane accidents.
In their public apology, they spoke clearly of their stance: "The NTSB does not release or confirm the names of crewmembers or people involved in transportation accidents to the media. We work hard to ensure that only appropriate factual information regarding an investigation is released and deeply regret today's incident."
NTSB spokesperson Kelly Nantel expressed the way the call from KTVU had been processed. "The names were presented by the station, to the intern for confirmation. The intern did not make up the names and provide them to the station."
Is it the safety board's fault that they have to publish their NTSB apology? Or is it KTVU's fault for not being able to recognize so blatantly racist Asiana pilot names? Let us know in the comments!