14 Traits Of Successful And Wealthy People

A lot of people want to become rich. However, the path to wealth and success is steep and rocky. Will you be one of the few who can make it to the top?

According to Business Insider, being rich eliminates majority of the problems that most people have. With fewer problems, there is less stress and less stress result to a healthier and happier life.

The publication noted 14 traits or signs that indicate whether a person can become successful or not.

1. You have a major dream or goal that you are chasing right now. Eighty percent of self-made millionaires in a Rich Habits Study pursued their purpose in life.

2. You read. A lot. It was previously reported that highly-successful people love to read. Business tycoon and renowned investor Warren Buffett has revealed that he devotes about 80 percent each day to reading. Microsoft founder Bill Gates reportedly reads an estimated number of 50 books a year. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, on the other hand, has vowed to read and finish a book every two weeks last year.

3. You think bigger and bolder. Successful and wealthy people have an owner mindset.

4. You seek out responsibilities. You don't shy away from them.

5. You are a careful risk-taker. Always do your homework and ask questions before doing business.

6. You are not only a decision-maker. You are also an action-taker.

7. You embrace failure. It is one thing to be unafraid of failing, take it up a notch and view it as a learning experience.

8. You are diligent. Successful people are not afraid of working long hours and putting in more work than the average worker.

9. You always make new goals and pursue them. Always strive to improve.

10. You give more. You always do your best to exceed the expectations of other people.

11. You value relationships. Know your priorities.

12. You genuinely like people. Moreover, people like you too.

13. You work well in a team. This is because to you being able to foster great relationships.

14. You surround yourself with success-minded people. You and your friends build each other up.

Success, Career, Work