Ryan Reynolds Hints At 'Deadpool 2' Movie Release Date; Villain Revealed?

The "Deadpool 2" movie release date may have been confirmed. Ryan Reynolds used his most powerful weapon, social media, to tease fans about when the highly-anticipated sequel may be available.

Movie Web reported that the "Deadpool" star took to Instagram to share a cool fan made poster for the "Deadpool 2" movie. The photo was created by user Mutant101.

"Ahhhhh, @mutant101," Ryan Reynolds captioned the image. "Isn't this a felony?"

The Instagram post showed Deadpool's hand as he drew over a bathroom sign. He vandalized over the gender logo and made it look like Wolverine while he turned the handicapped guy into Professor Xavier.

Deadpool also wrote a letter "X" before Men. The top of the poster featured a funny yet apt bathroom joke, "Deadpool Number Two."

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the bottom of the poster claimed that the "Deadpool 2" movie release date would be in 2018. The publication noted that the rumored scheduled would make sense especially now that producer Simon Kinberg has admitted that Fox hopes to start production early next year.

"The guys, [original screenwriters Paul] Wernick and Rhett [Reese], are working on the script, and we hope to have the script very soon," he told Collider. "We hope to shoot the movie some time at the beginning of next year."

It was previously reported that the "Deadpool 2" movie may feature Cable. His lover and another member of the X-Force, Domino, may be introduced in the cinematic universe in the sequel too.

Meanwhile, Yibada reported that Taskmaster may be the main villain in the upcoming "Deadpool 2" movie. He is infamous as a super villain mercenary in the Marvel comics.

Taskmaster trained several villains. He has also joined groups such as A.I.M., Thunderbolts and Cabal, among others.

He is able to do photographic reflexes which enable him to mimic the moves and fighting styles of his opponents. Apparently, Deadpool and Taskmaster have met before since the villain admitted that the anti-hero is hard to defeat because of his chaotic and unpredictable personality.

Ryan reynolds, Movie, Release Date, Entertainment