Amazon Is Hiring 500 WareHouse Employees: Career Briefing Sessions For Distribution Centers Open For Job Applicants

Are you thinking of working at Amazon? Amazon is hiring but to prepare job applicants for a career with the fast-growing internet retail company, they are holding career briefing sessions that aims to benefit employees that will work in the various Amazon distribution centers.

Five additional career briefings will be held this week at the Fall River Career Center. According to reports, those interested in applying for jobs at the new Amazon distribution center in Fall River will need to go through the briefings.

The additional briefings follows last week's program that informed potential employees on working for Amazon regarding what is expected and required of them.

Those who are interested and need more information may proceed to the Fall River Career Center located on North Main St during Tuesday at 3:00 PM, 6:00 PM. Then on Wednesday at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

Each sessions should take up to approximately 45 minutes. In the end, it will determine if the applicant will proceed to the next stage - the interview process. The interview appointments may likely be scheduled for August.

Don't worry if you've missed the first few classes at the beginning of the month. Mayor Jasiel Correia said that the next few briefings will cover those who missed it. The Amazon launch team was in town to hold four briefings last week and to answer questions. The next briefings will be offered by the career center staff and held at the career center.

There are 500 warehouse jobs that has to be filled up before the distribution officially opens on September 21, as the first day of their operations.

Those hired will be expected to work four 10-hour days a week, with shifts including at least one weekend day. The starting pay will be $12,75 to 14.74 an hour.

Amazon, Customer Service, Employment, Job Opportunities, Business