A Chinese bride-to-be was electrocuted by iPhone while she was reportedly accepting a call while her phone was charging. Apple has responded in an investigation for the iPhone death, and promised to make sure to solve the problem.
The iPhone electrocution was a rare reported incident that happened to one unfortunate Ma Ai Lun, a young and aspiring air hostess with big eyes and very cute features. Ai Lun was expected to become a bride very soon, her sister shared on the Chinese social site Weibo.
Experts are saying that iPhone death is not something impossible, but they doubted that it could have been caused by the smartphone itself. A phone technician in China, according to ONTV, claims that the smartphone could not possibly release enough electricity to shock and kill a person.
The shock would most-likely have been caused by a faulty third-party cellphone charger that somehow released a multiple of the normal electricity required to charge up the iPhone 5.
The Weibo user shared that she felt very unfortunate her sister had to pass away through something so small like this. She urged everyone sincerely to avoid the possibly fatal usage of charged phones to avoid another incidence of iPhone death.
This is the first world-renown case of a Chinese woman being electrocuted by iPhone.
Apple had previously been ostracized in China for their "arrogance" and inability to respond well to their customers. In China, this is a very important issue and can cause major problems for a business in its community culture. Due to this precedence, Apple has decidedly committed to solving this problem and has been reported to be investigating their devices for possible responsibility in the matter.