Disney Employee Fired: Rehired After Tweeting About Alligators In Park

Previously, the death of an infant spurred concerns about the safety of Walt Disney World hotel. On June 18, a two year old boy was dragged into the Orlando, Florida waters by an alligator.

Afterwards, newly installed signs were set around the park to warn of dangerous alligators and snakes on a certain area of the beach after the incident. But behind the scenes, a Walt Disney World intern was fired for tweeting a picture online. The photo in question is a sign that tells Disney employees on how to respond to questions about alligators in the park. After tweeting that out, the employee was fired. But only briefly.

The employee's name is Shannon Sullivan. According to reports, the photo explained that if employees were asked by guests whether alligators live in the park, workers should reply with "Not that we know of."

In addition, it also said "Please do not say that we have seen them before. The employee was unsure of this memo and advised her management that it sounded misleading. Thereafter, she posted the photo online and was terminated.

However, she got her job back after a brief period. According to Disney, the sign was not authorized and was immediately removed.

Investigation showed that Reedy Creek Emergency Services fire fighters were reprimanded after feeding some alligators at a station located less than half a mile from Disney's Seven Seas Lagoon. That was the location where the toddler was seen being pulled into the water.

George A. Kalogridis, the president of Walt Disney World Resort, said in a statement, "There are no words to convey the profound sorrow we feel for the family and their unimaginable loss. We are devastated and heartbroken by this tragic accident and are doing what we can to help the family during this difficult time. On behalf of everyone at Disney, we offer our deepest sympathies."

Disney, Employment