Employee Engagement: Unlocking The Secret

Employee engagement is a vital part of having a strong workforce. Leaders need to learn how to boost morale in the workplace - but how?

According to Entrepreneur, the key to employee engagement is to have leaders who work to consistently encourage the workforce. This comes by engaging employees' heads and hearts.

Technical things such as asking employees about their work as well as assessing and training them to improve are what appeals to their heads. Managers can conduct meetings, ask for reports, assigning tasks and training sessions to engage the brain.

Engaging the heart is a bit tricky. The most important thing is for leaders to learn how to listen and talk to their team members about their personal lives. This way, they can get to know their employees better. Some tips on how to engage the hearts of your employees include conducting one-on-one lunches with each member, encourage group talks as well as creating opportunities for recognition.

Huffington Post noted that increasing employee engagement involves leading by example. If the management wants change towards desirable behavior, leaders need to be the first ones to exhibit the said action.

A company with a culture of transparency is also important. This would build trust within the workforce which, in turn, would increase engagement.

Create a culture of appreciation for in your office. Recognizing your team members' efforts go a long way. It also validates their feeling of being a vital part of the company.

The publication added that giving employees flexibility in working hours and being accommodating during their times of need would help increase employee engagement. It is also one way of empowering your team.

Moreover, leaders need to make sure that their relationship with their team members is genuine and authentic. People always know when others are just faking their enthusiasm or concern.

In another report, The Huffington Post shared tips on how to evaluate employee engagement. The list includes gathering information by brainstorming, reports and discussions.

Employee engagement, Tips, Advice, Leadership, Management