Instagram To Advance Your Career As A Social Media Tool

You see celebrities use social media to increase their PR and visibility ranking. They promote their products and endorse their own brand or other brands through their personal social media accounts.

In return, they earn and become successful. Are you also looking to do the same but you are not a celebrity like Kim Kardashian? You do not need to be a celebrity to improve your career with the use of social media.

There are those professionals that can offer Instagram advice and on how to use the social network to increase your career growth. According to reports, those in the business, finance and even industrial industry do not only turn to LinkedIn to search for talents. They also look at Facebook and Twitter to vet job candidates. But above all social networks, Instagram could just be the most useful tool for savvy professionals.

In today's digital world, images are the most visual way to communicate ideas in a fast and captivating manner. Using images as a way to enhance your own brand as a professional can help you further your career. Since Instagram is a powerful way to connect with other like-minded people in your field, your network will expand over the things you are passionate about. Claim it on the pictures!

1. Find your place - See if Instagram is really the right platform for your personal brand. Some industries can benefit from Instagram compared to others. If your role depends on aesthetics then Instagram can be potentially beneficial for you when it comes to graphic design, marketing and even architecture.

2. Figure out what you need to post - Your feed should describe your brand. It also shows your personality. Put yourself in the role of a recruiter or employer and they found your page. Determine what percentage of your pictures will showcase your career, ideas and projects. It should show your life and likability too. Just make sure to mix and match between leisurely photos that will make you look relatable with those that display your field of expertise.

3. Engage by connecting with people and commenting on their own posts and use shout outs to widen your reach. The key is to engage and network.

4. Lastly, know when to pull back. Sometimes people overdo it and it can become a turn off. Remember that the internet reacts to each post almost immediately. Know yourself first before you post. It is not a good idea to post about something you know nothing about.

Instagram, Social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, Social Network, Business, Career Advice