Star Trek Beyond: Simon Pegg Explains Career Based On Sci Fi Franchise ‘Giving Her All She’s Got’

Simon Pegg, actor and screenwriter of Star Trek Beyond, reflects on the legacy left by the half a century old franchise on his career. He boldly went where only a few has ever gone before and tried to "give her all she's got."

Simon Pegg who plays Montgomery Scott or "Scotty" in Star Trek Beyond explains that he is a bonafide space nerd. He was obsessed with science fiction since he was young. His fascination with science fiction started with a 1999 sitcom titled "Spaced." Pegg co-wrote that British TV show and also played "Tim." Later on, he worked on the 2004 zombie comedy "Shaun of the Dead," which introduced him to American audiences.

But he dipped his legs in other ponds too. He joined Mission Impossible with director J.J. Abrams and then started on with Star Trek in 2009. According to reports, Pegg was part of a team that rebooted the iconic Star Trek franchise. He plays U.S.S. Enterprise Chief Engineer Scotty and in Star Trek Beyond, he has shown more airtime than in previous Star Trek films. Scotty showed his "sensitive" side when he found Jaylah in the forest.

He does not want to call himself a Trekkie when he felt that he has not earned his stripes for it but he is a devoted Star Trek fan through and through.

In the whole franchise, his favorite character is Spock. "I love that he's almost like this stern father-figure who you constantly look to for emotion, and they don't often give it, but when they do, it's absolutely delightful," says Pegg.

Will he be involved in Star Trek 4? Expect to see Scotty beaming up the Enterprise crew, maybe but for now check out Star Trek Beyond in theaters this weekend.

Science Fiction, Star Trek, Star Wars, Acting Career, Star Trek Beyond