"The Big Bang Theory" returns on screen with the whole cast but signs show that this could be the last time that the fans may see of the geeks gone wild. Dubbed as the new 'Friends', America's most popular TV show might be saying its goodbye this season.
The Big Bang Theory is a TV show produced by CBS which is about the lives and romance of its characters who works as scientists at the California Institute of Technology. According to The Guardian, this is the last season under the current commission deal.
Jimmy Parsons (Sheldon), Johnny Galecki (Leonard), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), earn at least a million dollars per episode. The three stars are said to be the highest paid TV celebrities. TheWrap reports that The Big Bang Theory's season 9 had out-of-this-world ratings and had over 20 million viewers per episode. This puts the BBT in line with the classic top-raters "Friends" and "Seinfield."
Now that the BBT flies high, ratings will likely decline by its finale season. The Guardian reports that Parsons said that nobody would likely say no if an opportunity for a season 11 comes up. Cuoco hinted on a Jimmy Kimmel interview that this could be the last season. When asked if 10 years was enough, she said "Yes! It's a lot of hair, it's a lot of denim sizes."
The Big Bang Theory began in 2007, with the geek characters Leonard and Sheldon who lacked charisma with girls and has over 200 episodes to date. With the first episode on season 10 showing the "second wedding" of Leonard and Penny, there are theories and rumours that 10 year was probaby enough for the show.
However, the premiere episode shows little to no clue that the show is spent at all. Penny introduces her family and Sheldon kind of admits that he might be human. Whatever CBS plans ahead, fans believe they won't ever get tired of Shedon's "bazingas" and the geeks' endless attempt at life.