Apple iPhone 7 Has A Major Problem, Is This The 'Catch' For The Latest iPhone Unit?

Apple proudly presented the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus this September and some users wonder about the fallback of the new units.

A video by Stephen Hackett of 512 Pixels shows an iPhone 7 unit making an audible hissing sound while placed on a table. According to his blog, he was restoring from iCloud when he heard the clear sound, loud enough to be heard. Upon informing AppleCare, the provider has promised to replace Hackett's unit.

ArsTechnica reports that the hissing sound comes from the Apple Logo at the back of the iphone where the A10 Fusion chip is located. Apple mentioned that their new chip is 40% faster than the iPhone 6s.

According to a post from BGR several other users have come forwards with the same problem. This seems to occur when users restore data, which puts the processor under a heavy load. The hissing is said to be a coil noise "when electrical components hit a specific resonant frequency that causes the circuit to physically vibrate." If the current is more heavy, a louder acoustic noise is produced.

On the brighter side, some experts mentioned that it's nothing to be worried about since they tested few other devices and they all sounded the same when put through high-intensity CPU/GPU activity. Social media users now refer to the phenomenon as "Hissgate", following Iphone 6 Plus "bendgate" scanda.

It's still unclear whether the hissing sound is a defect and there's no report on how widespread the issue is. Apple still hasn't issued an official statement but for now, technology experts guarantee that iphone7 userd need not to worry because the problem is nothing serious, unlike the Samsung Galaxy 7 recall.

Apple, IPhone, Technology