Nokia Tops Off Google Fiber Internet Speed by 1000x

Nokia may have dropped out of the mobile market, but they are winning big in providing greater technology. After purchasing Alcatel-Lucent in 2015, the Nokia family has grown and founded the Nokia Bell Labs, known for its strength in research technology.

Researchers from Nokia networks made it possible for internet speed to reach 1 Terabit per second (Tbps) - which is 1000x faster than the Google Fiber.

Google Fiber is one of the fastest and most reliable internet service providers in the United States. It offers an internet speed of up to 1Gigabit per second; however, a joint research by the Nokia Bell Labs, the Technical University of Munich, and Deutsche Telekom T-Labs unveiled a broadband speed of 1 Tbps.

The research used a technique called Probabilistic Constellation Shaping, or PCS which allowed achievement of such high speed through fiber connection.

According to ZDNet, Nokia explained that PCS "uses quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) formats to achieve higher transmission capacity over a given channel to significantly improve the spectral efficiency of optical communications." The transmission was possible with PCS modifying the use of constellation points which was traditionally used with the same frequencies. PCS uses those constellation points that has a high amplitude which allows transmission of signals that are more resistant to noise and impairments. This led to 30 percent greater reach in transmission rate.

In an interview with Tech Times, Director Technology Telekom Deutschland and CTO Deutsche Telekom Bruno Jacobfeuerborn mentioned that customer satisfaction may be guaranteed through "optical transmissions with increased capacities, reach and flexibility over deployed fiber infrastructures." He added that Deutsche Telekom provides such network infrastructure which will make the innovation transmission porrible. As example, one can downloasd the entire HD series of Game of Thrones in just one second.

It was also reported that the breakthrough will allow greater distances and capacity of high-speed data trasnmission through core networks. Testing was also reported to reach 1tbps internet speed on a round trip between the cities of Stuttgart and Darmstadt in Germany, and between Nuremberg and Stuttgart. A 0.8 TBps was also observed between Berlin and Stuttgart.

This terabit-speed of optical fiber links is a major development from the current network limits of 40 gbps to 100 Gbps and may start addressing the growing demand for fast data rates and high-speed internet connection for millions of users nationwide. This joint research shows that terabit networks may actually be on the way.

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