Open Letter From Stephen Hawking, 374 Other scientists: Don’t Vote For Donald Trump

World-renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, accompanied by 374 concerned scientists, released an open letter slamming Republican presidential nominee Donald trump for his stance on climate change. These scientists and researchers warned the public not to vote Trump this coming United States Elections 2016 because it would be disastrous for the fight against global warming.

Trump has advocated U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Accord, says the scientists. The Paris Accord is an international agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with global warming and a fight to a low-carbon future. Many people are saying that Trump's "America First" advocacy is necessary for the US to be independent and a standalone country. Trump's has mentioned repeatedly that he doesn't believe that global warming or climate change is man-made.

Through this open letter, these scientists hoped to appeal to the minds of the society. The letter published Tuesday by members of the National Academy of Scientists stresses about the climate change. The first line reads, "Human-caused climate change is not a hoax or just a conspiracy theory. It is a physical reality." The letter goes on to explain that, "Mother nature, human health, food production and even national security are at stake. It describes the matter as basic science." It summarizes that " for the Donald Trump would be disastrous for our environment and we can help in the fight against global warming if we would not cast votes to this Republican presidential nominee."

Hawking has already made his feelings about Trump quite clear earlier this year. The famed physicist described the Republican nominee as "a demagogue who plea or ask support to the lowest common denominator."

Donald Trump, U.S. Election 2016, Climate change, Global Warming