‘Half-Life 3’ Release & Update: ‘Half-Life’ Game Developers Reconsiders Creating ‘HL3’?; ‘HL3’ to be Released Without Announcements?

Fans of the hit game "Half Life 2" has been waiting for over a decade for the release of "Half Life 3" but reports suggests that developers are still hesitant to push forward for the next installment.

Rumor has it that creators halted the third installment of the game since it has lost its objectivity. There are also those who think that "Half Life 3" was ended because it did not turn out to be what was expected of it.

However, recent reports allege that the developer of the game, Valve, is already considering the concept and features to be included in "Half-Life 3." Accordingly, Valve is considering the incorporation of the Kraken Base, Mobipicker reported. It can be remembered that this was first introduced in "Half Life 2," although for only a short time as this was immediately replaced with a train sequence.

Aside from Kraken Base, Borealis, an Aperture Science Ship, will also be included. This was first introduced in 1999 where Gordon Freeman's adventure was supposed to commence, titled Hyper_001 in the game files.

In another version, the plot will have the player meet with Doctor Helena Mossman who will later abandon her colleagues and betray them, and while the rest of the team are in danger, Gordon will withstand the Kraken Base. The goal of the player will be to save Gordon while Kraken Base is destroyed. It was originally designed by three of Valve's designers: Aaron Barber, Randy Lundeen and Dario Caselli.

There were also speculations that Valve is planning to have "Half Life 3" released without any announcement to surprise gamers. Meanwhile, others look forward to the 20th anniversary of the franchise as they expect that the third version will be released or announced by then.

With scarce reports about the exact release date of "Half Life 3," fans can only look forward to have the game released by 2018.