Google Calendar Events Now Available In Google Maps

Android users will surely appreciate Google Maps even more now that it comes with Google Calendar events.

To use this latest update, Android users of Google Maps must enter the address in the "Where" box everytime they create an event in the Google Calendar.

The user must also be 'signed in' to both apps (Google Calendar and Google Maps) for the feature to work out, which means, the next time the user opens his Google maps, he will also see the Google Calendar. However, for those who do not want the idea of being stressed or flooded by a number of information when using the Maps, Google made a way for the users by giving them the option to turn off the feature or customize it.

"To manage all your personal content and how it appears on Google Maps, you can use the new personal content manager under the settings tab in the side menu. Simply toggle off what you don't want to show and toggle on what's most helpful to you," Zach Maier, Product Manager Google Maps wrote in Google Blog post.

In addition, Maier also said that Google has also introduced a new tab called "Upcoming" which gives Android users a list of their upcoming events.

One of the good things about the updated version of the Maps is that it can automatically provide directions to the next scheduled event or engagement.

The existing Google Maps comes with the following features which users can personalize:

  • Save home and work addresses
  • Label frequently visited places or upcoming destinations
  • Your bookings and reservations from Gmail
  • See your Google contacts on the map

"Seeing your Google Calendar events on Google Maps is the newest way to save time and make the most of every day," Maier wrote.

It could be remembered that Tech Times has recently reported that Google is working on an Explore feature of Maps which includes a new interface, an alternate view for finding local attractions and businesses, however, this is not part of the latest update.

Google Maps, Android, Google