New Book Explains Citizen Science

Citizen Scientists, a new book, explains that you don't need to a science degree to do simple science study.

This type of science can also be called amateur science, crowdsourced science, volunteer monitoring and public participation in scientific research. This field of science is diverse it range from ecology to genetics, website SciStarter explained.

They also explained that a citizen scientist helps professional scientists in their scientific research. They don't have any formal science training.

Science News reported that Mary Ellen Hannibal, the book's author, explained that a person doesn't need a science degree to monitor backyard animals or measure trees. She also believes that an ordinary person that has a computer can track seal populations to help scientists.

She stressed that it's vital for amateur scientists to step up because scientists can't work alone anymore. She said that they can be essential in studying animals close to extinction.

Hannibal believes that there's a need for passionate science volunteers to help scientists in their work. Her books showcase individuals who spent their lives in science despite having no science degree.

It features Rebecca Moore from Google Earth Outreach who developed a mapping tool to stop Santa Cruz Mountain's logging. It also features Alice Eastwood, who despite having no botany degree, spent 60 years to collect her specimen.

Eastwood also became the botany curator at the California Academy of Science. She even saved a part of the collection during the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906.

Hannibal also stressed that citizen science was just called a science during the early days. She also said that a lot of conservationist and natural historians don't have an academic degree.

The book also explains Hannibal's experience with Citizen Science. It chronicles her efforts to track down sea otters and redwood trees in their neighbourhood.

With this book, she wishes to tell the public that animals and humans are just the same. She explained in her book that like humans they live their homes, guard their territories, looks for their mates and look for a base of operations.