Hold on to your seats, Nintendo NX just made a switch

We got a pretty good look at the console with the console trailer released by Nintendo that was over three minutes long. Nintendo Switch is the first-ever home console that is both a portable game as well. Numerous game critics were sceptical with the plausibility of the idea, especially with the mistakes of Nintendo Wii U still fresh in mind. Fortunately, the name in itself is a step towards success, dropping the Wii brand from the new console altogether and going for a switch to something fresh.

What does Nintendo Switch bring to the fans? Based on the trailer, the Switch is a portable console that can be played on the go similar to the 3DS or docked to play on the TV like most videogame consoles. The game features several detachable parts, making possible the switch from docked gaming to portable gaming. The console comes with two detachable controllers which can be used for multiplayer on portable mode, as well as a separate video game controller for docked gaming. And as though a cherry on top, the portable screen has a kickstand, so gamers can detach the controllers while playing in distance from the portable screen.

The trailer still leaves a lot unanswered. For instance, the visual quality of the game has not been confirmed yet, especially since Nintendo Switch features portable gaming, and we all hope that the quality of the game has a smooth transition from the TV to the portable screen. Most of the specs have not been revealed yet, such as battery capacity, and the price. But Nintendo is sticking with its release date being set to arrive on March 2017.

Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, Wii U