The famous burrito maker, Chipotle, has confirmed that their twitter hack was self-inflicted. They had faked it in hopes to generate more users during their 20th anniversary events.
The 20-day treasure hunt named "Adventurito" shows a puzzle every day. The rush of random tweets appeared while Sunday's puzzle was being posted.
"We thought that it really fit well within the context of our 20th anniversary promotion where we were putting clues in all sorts of things. We had clues pop up in a lot of places and thought that incorporating something into our social media presence would fit well into that promotion," said Chipotle spokesperson Chris Arnold.
The social media trickery was a marketing success in Chipotle's opinion. Their tweets were retweeted around 12,000 times, while 4,000 users had followed them Sunday. In comparison to the amount of retweets and followers obtained on average, 75 retweets per day and 250 followers per day, the faked hack was wildly successful.
Chipotle is not the only company that staged their own identity theft. MTV and BET had tried to get into the media spotlight after Burger King and Jeep had their accounts truly hacked in February.
The company's tweets lasted less than an hour.
"twitter friends search bar"
"Do I have a tweet?"
"twitter Find avocado store in Arv"
"Hit send too soon!"
"Find avocado store in Arvada, Colorado."
"Found it!"
"Hi sweetie, can you please pick up some lime, salt, and onions? twitter"
"end twitter"
"Mittens13 password leave"
"please twitter"