The Wolverine movie trailer was just released, and it finally got Logan right

The trailer of Logan, the third and possibly final installation of the Wolverine solo movies from Marvel and Fox, was finally released. Wolverine is set to be the last movie where Hugh Jackman plays the iconic role of Wolverine, and Logan is indicative of the new approach on superhero movies of the film.

Logan as a movie title for this instalment seems to be a good strategy to attempt to disassociate this movie from the last two Wolverine movies that weren't exactly well received by both fans and critics. Logan sets the tone as both a new Wolverine movie as well as having a fresh take on the famous superhero role. This disassociation may be well thought-out given the tone of the movie.

Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine, aka Logan, in a dystopian future where the trailer explains as a world where mutants are already almost extinct, except for a few like Wolverine. Instantly within the first few seconds, the trailer makes you feel the grit and the heavy drama aura of the film, setting the bar a few notches higher for veteran actor Hugh Jackman to deliver. Accompanying Hugh Jackman is Patrick Stewart, also reprising his role as Professor Charles Xavier for potentially the last time. A great news for long time fans of Stewart's portrayal of Professor X is that it seems his role in the Logan movie is more than just a few minutes of screen time compared to what we've had in the recent X-men films.

The film takes inspiration from a world-famous entry of an X-men comic book series entitled "Wolverine: Old Man Logan" where Wolverine is shown as an old man riddled with regret, anger, and exhaustion from life. For the first time in a movie, Wolverine will be presented in his Old Man Logan version, as Jackman is made to look with gray hair, battle wounds, and maturity. The movie is anticipated to go the route of being an R-rated superhero film, following Deadpool success in being a mature take on comic book movies.

Movie, New movie, Hugh Jackman