New Australian Dinosaur Named

A new dinosaur was named Savannasaurus Elliottorum in Australia, reports claim.

David Elliott, the one who discovered the dinosaur, explained that he spotted the small pile of fossil bone. He explained that he thought it was the fossil of Theropod Dinosaur.

They nicknamed the fossil Wade to honor Dr. Mary Wade, an Australian Paleontogolist, who was part of the excavation team. She was part of the excavation team who died before they were able to finish their findings.

Science Daily reported that new found dinosaur is a Titanosaurs. Titanosaurs are sauropod groups that are considered as the largest land-living animal of all time.

The researchers explained that the continent arrangements during the Cretaceous Period, was the reason why titanousaurs where able to spread. They explained that Australia and South America were once connected to Antarctica.

Researchers believe that Savannasaurus lived in a time when the temperature was warmer than today. They believe that ancestors of the new dinosaur can be found in South America.

They explained that these new dinosaurs did not visit Australia around 105 million years ago. Savannasaurus is a medium-sized titanosaur, with a one-meter wide hips and ribcage.

It is named after the savannah it was found and the discoverer of the fossil. It is the most complete sauropod fossil that can be found in Australia, The Guardian reported.

They also reported that aside from Savannasaurus, the researchers also found a new dinosaur specie that they named Diamatinasaurus Matildae. Diamantinasaurus is also a sauropod like Savannasaurus.

They explained that the two species help researchers figure out the evolution of sauropods. These gave way to a new theory on how the sauropods spread on Australia, Africa, Antarctica and South America.

Researchers explained that the more anatomical information that they can derive from the two fossils. The more they can explain the sauropod family tree.