Can Tesla Perfect the Self-driving Car?

Last year, Tesla made available novel software for its cars so owners can use self-driving features which they termed "Autopilot". After some car crashes occurred and a customer died while using the software on his car, Tesla has toned down its claims that their cars are self-driving and explained that the "Autopilot" mode was intended not to replace but to assist the driver while traversing roads and highways.

Tesla even likened the term "Autopilot" to the mechanism used by pilots in airplanes to highlight its role as an assisting tool in piloting a motor vehicle. Still, Tesla appears not to back down from its intention of promoting the idea of self-driving in its cars.

The company launched its latest product, "Autopilot 2.0" this week, boldly announcing that their new cars shall, henceforth, operate at "the highest levels of autonomy". Its selling point was a short video that showed a car traversing on its own the roads to Stanford University in California.

Although the brief video was impressive, it is not proof that the car can solve the different intricacies that remain a puzzle to other auto makers working on self-driving technology. The car was fitted with devices like12 ultrasonic sensors, eight cameras facing all possible directional angles and forward-fronting radar to enhance its performance.

Still, auto experts claim that even with all the gadgets and software, the car will not pass the "Level 5 Autonomy" self-driving standard set by the NHTSA which will require more radars, sensors and laser cameras with 360 degree coverage.

In developing the car technology of autonomous driving, Tesla is presently in an advantageous position to meet the high standards set by NHSTA. With its present crop of cars using their "Autopilot" software, they can gather more data to assess the performance their self-drive mechanisms and bring the technology to greater heights.

Tesla might yet perfect the self-driving car.

Tesla Motors, Tesla Motors updates