Carbon Dioxide Higher Than Before

Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere reached a symbolic threshold that will last for this entire year.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released a statement explaining that carbon dioxide reached 400 parts per million. They explained that this event was triggered by El Niño in the Pacific.

The researchers explained that the droughts in the tropical regions reduced the ability of trees and oceans to absorb carbon dioxide. This live more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, The Guardian explained.

They explained that aside from the El Niño there was an increase in greenhouses gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. This increase is caused by human activity in the industry and agriculture sector which caused 37 percent increase.

They said that two-thirds of the greenhouse gases came from carbon dioxide. They stressed that human activities change the balance of nature.

The researchers explained that before the industrial revolution the atmosphere is around 278 ppm, which is the representation of a naturally balanced Earth. They said that because of human activities carbon dioxide levels are 44 percent higher.

Last year, different countries signed up for the Paris agreement which is the first agreement that tackles climate change. Petteri Taalas, WMO Secretary-Gerneral, explained that the agreement ushered a new era of optimism and actions towards climate change, Science Daily reported.

Taalas explained that aside from the Paris agreement there has been agreements to amend the Montreal Protocol. He commends the commitment of different countries towards climate change action.

Now, he explained that the real problem is carbon dioxide. He said that we can't talk about climate change without tackling CO2 emissions.

He believes that the Paris Agreement will help solve this problem. He explained that fast-tracking the implementation of this agreement.

WMO is currently promoting a Green Economy and Sustainable Development. They are lobbying for the production and optimization of solar, wind and hydropower.