Uber Helps Fight Flu with Free Flu Shot

Uber is offering a free flu shot to help fight the risk of getting the flu. The ridesharing company believes when a person gets a flu shot, they're not just keeping themselves healthy, but everyone around them as well.

Uber said in its press release that the flu affects 20 percent of the population every year. But getting a flu shot helps reduce the risk by 50 to 60 percent.

"And we're confident that together, with a sprinkle of care and a dash of technology, we can build a healthier future for everyone, in every city," the company said. Uber will be delivering a free flu-fighting care package across the U.S.

People who request for the Health option in their Uber app will receive the free care package and an option for the flu shot for up to five people. The flu shot will be administered by a registered nurse from Passport Health.

The nurse will also be the one to do all of the paperwork. The Health option will be available on October 25, from 11 a.m. up to 3 p.m.

Fortune reports that Uber first offered the UberHEALTH option two years ago. The ridesharing company administered the flu shots in Boston, New York and Washington, DC.

Last year Uber did it again, this time offering the flu shot to more than 35 cities. The shot cost $10, but up to ten people could be vaccinated with each request.

This will be the first year Uber is offering the flu shot for free but at the cost of reducing the number of vaccines to five per request. People who request for the flu shot will also be getting a water bottle, tissue, hand sanitizer, tote bag and a lollipop if the care package is the same as last year.

The vaccines will be appropriate for ages four and up. And all consent information and paperwork will stay between the recipient and the nurse.

Uber, Health