The saga of "Dragon Ball Super" continues with the epic battle between Black Goku and Zamasu against the Super Saiyans. But it looks like the villains still have a lot up their sleeves which makes defeating them more difficult.
In the previous episode titled "Don't Defy the Saiyan Cells! The Curtain Rises On Vegeta's Intense Battle!" Mai found Zamasu and Black Goku. She then tried to shoot Black Goku however; it was not too effective, and she almost got beaten to death by the two. Luckily, Trunks arrived and was able to save her.
Trunks knocked Black Goku unconscious and shifted his attention to Zamasu who just behind him. He told him that he had little strength left and that he will put everything on his final attack. Zamasu was successfully trapped by Trunks. He was planning to blow Zamasu up even if it killed him so that he could finally get rid of him. Suddenly, Black Goku became conscious stabbed Trunks from the back.
Son Goku and Vegeta then arrived using the time machine. Black Goku managed to destroy the time machine with the Mafuba jar inside. Just when things are heating up, Gowasu suddenly appeared and some revelations were uncovered.
Episode 64 is titled, "Praise and Adore Him! The Explosive Birth of Merged Zamasu!" Based on the title, it is widely speculated that Black Goku and Zamasu will fuse together to battle Son Goku and Vegeta. The two will use the green Potara earrings which will make it harder for Son Goku and Vegeta to finish them even if they team up.
Meanwhile, episode 65 titled, "Final Judgement! The Supreme God's Ultimate Power," will hopefully show who will emerge victorious in their battle. It is rumored that Son Goku and Vegeta will unleash their combined powers to ultimately defeat Zamasu and Black Goku.
"Dragon Ball Super" episode 64 will air on October 3 while episode 65 is on November 06.