Donald Trump Latest News And Updates: 55-year Old Trump Supporter In Iowa Charged For Voting Twice

The United States Presidential Debate kicked off, and different issues have seen to arise. Including here is the arrest of one of the avid supporters of Donald Trump for his run for US Presidency, after casting her vote for Trump twice.

Terri Lynn Rote, a 55-year old woman in Des Moines, Iowa has been arrested last Thursday due to the alleged double casting of her vote for Donald Trump. The Polk County Jail has already confirmed the record made for Teri Lynn Rote.

The first-degree charge of election misconduct, considered as a Class D felony, was issued after Terri Lynn Rote who is a registered Republican in the Des Moines Register. Rote voted twice, first at the Polk County Election Office, and then at the other County satellite voting location situated in Des Moines.

"I don't know what came over me," Rote said in a phone interview with The Washington Post. Rote did not intend to cast her vote twice. She described it as "a spur of the moment thing" which hit her as she saw the county satellite voting post.

"The polls are rigged," Rote continued. Because she believes that the polls are inclined towards Clinton's camp, Rote thought that her first vote might be changed to Clinton, and so she voted again to make sure Trump's going to win.

The latest news on Donald Trump's avid supporter is that she was given a chance to bail, amounting to $5,000. The day after she was invited for a police report, she was able to go back home.

Around two weeks ago, Donald Trump also pointed out that the election surveys should not be considered valid because he believes that the polls are rigged, in favor of Hillary Clinton's camp.

Regardless, the whole state's clamor is to maintain and ensure that the election is clean and so they would elect right and deserving president.

US elections, United States, Donald Trump, Donald trump updates, Donald Trump Presidential campaign, Donald trump news