Facebook Users Defend the Standing Rock Indian Reservation

The number of netizens that "checked in" on Standing Rock Indian Reservation Facebook fan page has soared to over a million in the recent tally.

This online campaign has transpired in line with the ongoing protest against the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline ever since September of 2016. The proposed route runs across the Missouri River nearby Standing Rock Sioux reservation.

The local residents, as well as concerned American citizens, vehemently opposed the possible contamination of their natural reservoir as well as the desecration of their sacred territory. Yet according to The Two Way, there seems to be more about the simple Facebook solidarity than meets the eye.

The same suspicion is also reported by the NBC Los Angeles that the Monty County's Sheriff Department is using the Facebook fan page to trail and profile the actual participants of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation protest. According to the conspiracy, the police were trying to identify the active characters in order to watch (and even sabotage) their next move.

Apart from promoting the spirit of solidarity, the Facebook netizens are also credited for the security of participants and organizers from possible extrajudicial reprisals. It will be virtually impossible for the law enforcers to track down key individuals in a sea of Facebook guest profiles.

But despite the rising tension with law enforcers, Monty County's Sheriff Department denied allegations of espionage. Nonetheless, the protest has gained immense popularity by high-profile celebrity support such as US Senator Bernie Sanders and civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson.

The Standing Rock Sioux Protest is one of the many recurring instances where in huge businesses disconcerts American public. The resolution for this particular civil struggle is still far ahead, but it will hugely shape the next administration's policy-making. More things are expected to be better soon.

Facebook, Bernie Sanders