The leakage of private emails that once nearly ruined Hillary Clinton at the height of her US election campaign resurfaces anew.
This time, the content of the controversial 26th Podesta email threatens to implicate the incumbent president Barrack Obama. The scandal implies that Obama is involved in covering up Hillary Clinton's huge missteps.
In a testimony presented by USA Politics Today, the Democratic chairman of US election campaign famously known as John Podesta is allegedly colluding with the Justice Department. DOJ's attorney general Peter Kadzik addressed John Podesta in his email, giving him 'a head's up' in relation to the upcoming HJC oversight hearing in May of 2015.
Upon receiving the email from Kadzik, Podesta then forwarded the message to the rest of the top Clinton campaign staff. In a similar account by Zero Hedge, the Justice Department is allegedly fully committed to work together with the FBI and the Clinton campaign.
With the strong backing demonstrated by Barrack Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton throughout the presidential race, he is being put in a highly scandalous position. The leaked email, among many that went before, strongly implies that a conspiracy to keep Hillary Clinton ahead of the US election at the expense of the Republican Party's unfair disadvantage.
But an even graver concern puts Barrak Obama on the spot, since the illegal collaboration between Clinton campaigners, FBI and DOJ all happens under his watch. Despite this new wave of email scandal, there's no stopping Hillary Clinton in the upcoming conclusion of the US election since things seem to be looking up for her, according to recent analyses.
It is worth mentioning that the dubiousness of the Wikileaks has even included Russian president Vladimir Putin in the wild political intrigue. Previous investigations point to Russian hackers being responsible for the disclosure of Podesta's Gmail account.