‘Designated Survivor’ Season 1 Episode 6 Spoilers: ABC Moves Political Series' Airdate

In times of troubles, the president is answerable to people who need to know. That is the gist of episode 6 of "Designated Survivor," the TV movie that has everyone on their toes for quite some time now.

In this episode, the new president Tom Kirkman is about to meet all the 50 state governors who wants to ask him questions. Episode 6 was supposed to be aired on 2nd of November. But fans will have to wait since it was reset to Nov. 9, 2016.

Instead, ABC will be airing the 50th CMA Awards live. A clip of the next episode has been released to sate the appetites of movie fans and the governors are shown throwing questions at the President and demanding direct answers from him.

One governor announced his intense dislike for what the new President stands for. Another stands up for his defense calling him a fine person.

The TV series is really revving up to high gear from the last episode when president Kirkman dispatches the Navy Seals for a special mission to Algeria as FBI Agent Hanna Wells keeps on digging for the truth about the bombing.

It seems that everyone who goes near the president about his decisions and leadership ability in times of crisis. President Kirkman was relieved by the success of the special mission that resulted in the abduction of AloSakar Majid Nassar, alleged leader of the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the bombing.

Of course, Designate Survivor fans know that Nassar's group is not the culprits that bombed the Capitol. It is these subtleties in the plot that make the series more palatable to the fans.

Moreover, the discovery by FBI agent Wells of the recent construction of a bomb shelter in the White House immediately prior to the bombing provides a twist that adds to already savory flavor of the series