Latest Spider-man Homecoming Movie Excites Internet Users! #SpiderManHomecoming Trends In Twitter

Tom Holland will be back on the big screen soon; he will be the leading character in the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Spider-man Homecoming Movie. With that, the internet is already abuzz with trending #SpiderManHomecoming hashtag, the fans of Spidey can't help but count the days until July 7, 2017.

Screenprint gave people more to talks about such as, "we're really going to see Peter Parker in high school and get deeper into that side of it. He's just 15 now." Director Jon Watts said.

The people are more excited about the story line; it is refreshing and new to them. Even, Twitter user @Notoriousaurus said, "I just realized #SpiderManHomecoming comes out a week after I graduate from Boot Camp and become a soldier. That's like the best gift ever."

Another let out his excitement through frustration; @slowfast said, "Rumors are saying #SpidermanHomecoming full trailer won't come out until the Superbowl."

@_ItsFatimah also posted, "seriously can't wait for #SpiderManHomecoming ☺️ I know it's far away but I already know it's gonna be one of the best Marvel movies."

These are just some of Holland's Spidey character fans dying to see how the new story progress. Also, their craze is palpable with the old and new poster pictures they post. In fact, not only individual Twitter users are posting #SpiderManHomecoming hash-tag, but numbers of comic clubs are also into it.

To add more, the cast themselves can't help but post about Spider-man Homecoming Movie, Tom Holland, and some others are also seen with posts about the film.

Meanwhile, the newest Spider-man franchise will be significantly different with the others before it. Holland's Peter Parker will be back in his old home, as a Marvel superhero nonetheless. Surely, the film won't be an origin film it will not be as a homecoming as to go back to where it all started.