Globetrotting & Food Porn: Pack Your Bags And Enjoy Good Eats

Woe to you if you cannot imagine combining two enjoyable pleasures without straining your brain too much or resolve yourself to think that it is just not possible. The global travel and food tourism industry has never been more accessible to the average Joe, as this widely popular tourism market has become one of the biggest earning industries around the world that grossed earnings of no less than 6.5 trillion US dollars. Thanks in part to the mass and social media networks that played vital roles in massively promoting it, directly and indirectly.

To prove this point, tourism promotion is shifting its course towards using social media as a powerful vehicle to advertise local tourism and one recent example is that of Scotland, according to a report from BBC. Since the tourism body's social media promotions started during the middle of this year where they posted breath-taking photos and attraction spots, they have already generated more than a third of a million combined shares, likes and responses via Tweeter, Facebook and Instagram.

But the pleasures of travel wouldn't be complete without the presence of food. Culinary tourism is now an established culture around the world where it reflects not just the geographical distinctions of places that are visited, but provides an enriching experience of gustatory pleasures and tastes these places have to offer.

Traveling photojournalists Faith D'Alusio and Peter Menzel's book What I Eat: Around The World In 80 Diets. They tell a story of how their travels inspired them to share images of food cultures all over the world. They took pictures of 80 people living in different nations and the usual food they commonly eat every day.

It's an awe-inspiring endeavor that is expected to boost travel and food tourism not just through publications but through active promotions via social media. The book also gives a delightful sensory experience that also paints a demographic food culture all over the world.

Just like what celebrity chef and host Anthony Bourdain said during an interview on the latest online infotainment series called Raw Craft, which he top bills, said he finds complete satisfaction in traveling and eating all over the world. True to form of being a self-made ambassador for food and travel, he has influenced many to realize their dreams of going to different parts of the world and experiencing the different culinary cultures enjoyed by everyone, so start packing your bags and enjoy good eats- you deserve it.

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