Chris Brown tweets he's quitting music as the singer believes he is now only famous for the mistake he made when he was 18- connoting his alleged beating of singer sensation Rihanna.
His proclamation came after turning himself in at the Van Nuys Jail in California in connection with his hit and run case last May, where will be due in court for. He came in a day ahead of his jail time schedule to prevent the paparazzi from feasting on him. The singer reportedly spent 45 minutes behind bars and was released without bail. He is later on spotted at the AV Club hours after and seen leaving with a mystery blonde.
Just before he turned himself in, the singer tweets, "How do u build a house without a foundation???? Friendship brings the trust and love stronger. U have to like a person to love them!" A day after he spent less than an hour in jail, he says he'll "probably" be quitting music.
"Don't worry mainstream America. After this X album, it'll probably be my last album," Chris Brown tweets, expressing his thoughts on quitting music." Being famous is amazing when it's for ur music and talent. I'm tired of being famous for a mistake I made when i was 18. I'm cool & over it!"
The 24-year old singer was charged with assault after allegedly beating up his ex, Rihanna just before the 2009 Grammy's. According to the detective's affidavit, the two got into an argument and Brown pushed Rihanna's head against the window, punched her, bit her ear and continued beating her as he drove. The singer was released on a $50,000 bail.
Chris Brown set for another court date following his assault charges after the judge revoked his 5-year probation last month.