Marvel Comic Book series are seen to be very ecstatic after revealing the next main character in the upcoming second installment of the movie "Suicide Squad 2." The character of Joker has leaked a week after Margot Robbie confirmed in "Suicide Squad 2."
In the prior article of Jobs n Hire on the confirmation of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in the next "Suicide Squad," there was a mention of the possibility for Harley Quinn and another "Suicide Squad" character, Joker, to have a secret affair.
Now, after the leaked photos of the set of the "Suicide Squad" seems like another character has already confirmed his casting for next year's release. Jared Leto, one of the actors in the movie "Fight Club," "Dallas Buyer Club," and the first video release of "Suicide Squad" is confirmed to be playing the role of Joker for the second time around.
This was confirmed after one of the photographers in the set uploaded a photo of Jared Leto in Joker outfit with caption: "Sometimes I struggle to get the shot. It's a movie first, a still photo second," said Clay Enos in his Instagram post.
Sometimes I struggle to get the shot. It's a movie first, a still photo second. #SuicideSquad
A photo posted by Clay Enos (@clayenos) on Nov 10, 2016 at 4:15am PST
Jared Leto is on a Batmobile car, and it seems in the picture that he was chasing something that is not yet identified. Batman was also struck by the camera of Enos, as he can be seen on top of the Batmobile car where Leto is inside.
While it has not been in the news that Jared Leto signed a contract with Warner Bros., it looks like a little evidence seeing him on the set of the next installment of "Suicide Squad" in his original Joker costume. Based on the previous hints on the release of "Suicide Squad" 2, seeing Joker in the scene more like confirms that the is a higher chance to have an affair established between him and Margot Robbie's character, Harley Quinn.