'Sherlock Holmes 3' News & Update: Writers Of 'Star Wars: Rogue One' And 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Team Up To Build Sequel

The latest update of the upcoming "Sherlock Holmes" film describes the drafting of colossal writers from two blockbuster films. "Sherlock Holmes 3" will be ready for production soon.

It has been five years since "Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows". Fans of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic private investigator could not help but wonder when 'the next game is afoot.' The line-up of new writers guarantees that the third sequel is going to be as huge as London's Big Ben.

In a report by Slash Film, it is revealed that Gary Whitta of "Star Wars: Rogue One" and Nicole Perlman of "Guardians of the Galaxy" will preside the writing room of "Sherlock Holmes 3" production. Assisting them are Kieran Fitzgerald of "Snowden" and Justin Malen of the 2017 movie adaptation of "Baywatch".

It would seem that Robert Downey's commitment to reprise the Victorian martial artist crime fighter has contributed to expediting the third installment. "Sherlock Holmes 3" production will ensue following the two-part Marvel film "Avengers: Infinity War."

While "Sherlock Holmes" fans are thrilled, the avid supporters of playboy billionaire genius Tony Stark were not happy. An article published by Parent Herald stated that the lack of patronage by stalwart "Iron Man" fans may cause a poor reception in its fourth installment without Robert Downey Jr. playing the role.

Although many factors contribute to the possible removal of Robert Downey Jr. as the lead star in "Iron Man 4", it is clear that playing the "Sherlock Holmes" sequel is his bigger priority. In fact, "Sherlock Holmes 3" may not even be the last in the proposed line of future sequels for the franchise.

In an article published by Jobs & Hire, Marvel Studios president, Kevin Feige, announced that future solo films of its superheroes are going to be played by new actors. With this in mind, the fast lane for the "Sherlock Holmes" role is paved for Robert Downey Jr. and the rest of the assembly building the sequel.

Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downey Jr.