Trump Victory In US Election 2016 Lauded By ISIS: Dark Times Ahead For America!

On November 8, 2016, the American people elected Republican (GOP) nominee Donald Trump as the 45th US president. Many citizens were clearly unhappy with the results. Worse of all, America's greatest scourge knows it!

Nothing could please the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) more than to see its greatest enemy demoralized. In essence, a crippling irony for the United States is to know that its people are 'not united'.

Given the general state of malcontent among citizens, ISIS believes that America will become an easier target in the future.This quote pretty much describes how Donald Trump's appointment seemed like a bad forecast for America's future in line with the fragile and turbulent foreign policies. The report published by New York Daily News underscores how the ethnic divide in America may potentially lead to its doom in light of fighting its greatest enemy.

While the ISIS rejoice, their local nemesis is also delighted. According to an article by The New Yorker, wartime Syrian president Bashar al-Assad firmly believes that Trump will support his brutal heavy-handed approach in fighting the horde of ISIS rebels in his turf.

Apparently, Trump shares the same degree of contempt that Assad and Russian president Vladimir Putin have against ISIS. Unlike his predecessors, Trump will not tread lightly within the narrow and delicate bounds of human rights in his campaign to destroy the world's biggest terrorist organization.

America may be divided and unhappy for now, but the success or failure of Trump's leadership still remains to be seen. ISIS can rejoice for now, but the goal of defeating America may still be a pipedream. The latest report published by Jobs & Hire describes the terrorist group's latest decisive loss at the hands of Iraqi forces.

ISIS, Donald Trump