A father and son went missing when the Vietcong was busy fighting the Americans. The last time Ho Van Thanh was seen was in 1973 when the then young father ran into the forest to get away from an explosion carrying his infant son Ho Van Lang with him.
The father and son survived in the forest by growing their own crops and hunting animals. Reports say the two had had no contact with civilization for 40 years. Although the 82-year-old man can communicate in an ethnic minority language, his son the now 41-year-old Ho Van Lang could only speak very few words.
The two were discovered by villagers who went 40 kilometers deep into the forest.
In another epic tale of fathers and sons and being separated by tragic events, another Vietnamese father and son made the news two years ago when the two were reunited.
Ha Truong's son was abducted when his family were escaping from Vietnam but ha Truong never stopped thinking that he will be reunited with his son. After 34 years, the two saw each other again. His son Samart Khumkhaw was already 34-years-old when they were reunited in New York in 2011.
In the nightmarish tale of Truong, he and his family were onboard a boat when pirates boarded it and attacked him. They threw him to the open sea and kept his wife and infant son. He was saved by a group of fishermen after floating about for 16 hours. He spent a year near Thailand and later learned that his wife has passed away. Truong then traveled to America with hopes that someday he will see his son.
Truong is one of the many boat people who got out of Vietnam after Saigon crumbled.
Other stories like that of Truong and Thanh have surfaced on the web in recent years and have touched many people's lives.