'Fallout 4' Latest News & Update: PS4 MODS Will Finally Be Released, Game Patch Also Released To Fix Bugs & Issues

The latest news regarding the "Fallout 4" is that the new MODS for the PlayStation 4 console will finally be released. The game's developer Bethesda also released a patch for "Fallout 4" to fix the minor issues within the game.

According to Neurogadget, Bethesda and Sony have finally come to an agreement for the "Fallout 4" in PlayStation to receive MODS. Sony is known not to rush the release of console MODS for its game consoles, particularly in the PlayStation 4.

Bethesda, though, said that the "Fallout 4" PS4 MODS will only be plugins. This means that the MODS will only be using internal resources that are already in the game, so players can't use MODS that require external assets such as skins for weapons, NPCs and more.

GameNGuide adds that "Fallout 4" MODS for the PS4 console will also have to be created by the fans as Bethesda will not be including preinstalled MODS. Tools will be provided for the players in order for them to create the modding.

The latest news for "Fallout 4" also includes the creation kit for the game now supporting PS4 as well, so players can use the kits to complete their modifications. Players will just have to update their creation kit by launching the Bethesda Launcher and let it download all the files needed for the update.

The new MODS for PS4 will be available once the 1.8 patch for the "Fallout 4" is released for the console. The patch will also include fixes for some of the game's minor issues.

One of the issues the "Fallout 4" patch will fix is related to the game's audio. Other issues pertain to random crashes that occur while playing the game. The new 1.8 patch for both PS4 and Xbox One is expected to come out in about a month. The PC version of "Fallout 4" already received its 1.8 patch update.

Fallout 4 News