'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Spoilers, News & Updates: Expect Another Sex Scene From A Mystery Couple On GoT's Next Season!

The brewing chemistry between Daenerys' aide and confidante Missandei and companion Grey Worm may boil over in the next season of "Game of Thrones." Latest spoilers claim that Jon Snow will be back in the north for some unfinished business.

According to Watchers on the Wall, the growing attraction is expected to "go much further," with a "sex scene in the works." How this will come remains to be seen like all Unsullied troops, Grey Worm was altered to avoid sexy time distractions. But ever since we watched him check out Missandei bathing in the river, it's clear he is on verge of temptation.

Truly there is more than one way to have sex, and the point is that their relationship is headed to the next level. However, there is often a calm before the storm on this show. So, does that promise will be for one of the characters? Let us hope there is no post-coital death scene coming out of this.

According to Counsel Heal, Grey Worm is supposedly leading the Unsullied in a siege in Casterly Rock. This is known as the strong hold of the Lannisters. While Daenery's forces will be destroying those of Jaime and Bronn. The battle is not expected to be on the scale of the Battle of the Bastards. But it did take a month to film involving 500 extras and 100 horses.

According to a previous article on Jobs & Hire, Director Jack Bender made it a point that there is only going to be seven episodes in the seventh season. This was after they cut down from 10 to 7 seasons, meaning the show is being executed quickly. Initially, HBO meant to do 10 seasons. But Bender, insisted that they have always wanted to stick to seven seasons, as planned. "Game of Thrones" Season 7 returns in the US on HBO, and in the UK on Sky Atlantic in mid-2017.

Game of thrones, Game of Thrones Season 7