'Harry Potter Go' Release Date, Latest News & Update: 60,000 Harry Potter Fans Strongly Petition For The Augmented Reality Game

Since the success of "Pokemon Go", many people got excited about the news of another game's version. In essence, Niantic gets 60,000 plus petitions from "Harry Potter" avid fans around the world, they want "Harry Potter Go" confirmation as soon as possible. According to some news, the petition delivered a punch and finally, the game could come out soon.

In many reports, "Harry Potter Go" mayhem is already so severe, fans are taking it to the different social media platforms. And, according to MS Star News, out of the needed 65,000 signatures, they will just need a fraction of it to succeed. Although, It may not be needed anymore.

In a report by GamenGuide, it says "One of the senior developers over Niantic stated that the company has rights to do "Harry Potter Go" and the company is trying really hard to have an official announcement in 2017." And, there it is! Finally, a news that the wheel of "Harry Potter Go" is actually moving. Certainly, all the "Harry Potter" fans are appreciating Niantic's move to make their dream come true. "Harry Potter" fans will not stay put unless the game will materialize in the future.

Fan made "Harry Potter Go" works are circulating the web, this is an evidence how augmented reality gaming can be explosively embraced by the player. Additionally, the fans are expecting the same format of game to be the same as "Pokemon Go".

Either catching "Harry Potter" characters or beasts can go along it. Although, the game developer is tightly mum regarding any more news and updates regarding the game. So, if ever the fans will still need to campaign the game.

Hopefully, everything will be given confirmation by 2017, it's too early to expect anything yet everything can change in a day. So, stay tuned for more latest news and updates.

Harry potter, Pokemon GO