Banner To Kosar: Tone It Down!

CEO of Cleveland Browns Joe Banner has told former quarterback Bernie Kosar to tone it down when it comes to the St. Louis Rams.While Kosar isn't going to get sacked because of the incident, Banner told him that his comment was unacceptable.

"We don't condone the personal and unprofessional approach that Bernie took with some of his comments during the broadcast Thursday night," Joe Banner said to the media. "We've spoken to Bernie, he understands that, and we would expect the situation is resolved moving forward. We've also reached out to the Rams organization and have shared those same sentiments," he added.

Jeff Fisher, the coach for the Rams fired back at the former Browns quarterback. "I guess I'm a little disappointed," Fisher told reporters. "I feel bad for them that they had someone doing their broadcast feel the need to speak that way about players, specifically on our team and coaches for that matter. I'm just surprised that Bernie has such a lack of respect for players and this game.

"To be honest with you, I lost a lot of respect for him. It's highly unlikely he knew anything about our football team, but felt the need to make those comments. I don't think they were justified."

Kosar remarked in a broadcast, following an imperfect throw to rookie player Tavon Austin, "I really think that he didn't overthrow him and that Austin has to make that catch in the NFL. I see why Sam Bradford has been struggling watching how bad these receivers have been for him."

That was just the beginning for Kosar's colorful comments. Just following a dropped pass by Nick Johnson, Kosar said, "This is actually not a bad throw. These St. Louis receivers are horrible. That's a drop there."

"Bernie's got his issues; they're well documented," Fisher told reporters.

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