Three Of The Safest Jobs In United States

Safety is one of the things that an employee is looking for. Aside from money, having a safe environment is one of the things that an employee is looking on a job hunt.

There are a lot of safe work out there, one just have to be resilient in looking for it. Forbes reported that a web developer spends his ours on desk coding and website maintenance.

This field does not give that much opportunity for physical harm. Web development has grown over 27 percent over the past years and gives an annual salary of $64.790.

Web development is infinitely safer than logging workers that has a high fatality rate. According to Bankrate, logging fatalities in the United States increased from 2013 to 2014. This is because loggers would have to spend most of their time handling heavy machinery in bad weather and high altitudes.

Statistician is a relatively safe job that is expected to be in high demand in the next ten years. It has an expected employment growth of 34 percent.

Most statisticians work in the academe and office making it absolutely safe. It offers a salary of $80,000 a year.

This is very different from the life of a correction officer that Jobs and Hire reported to be one of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. The site reported that correction officers are always on the verge of being attacked by an inmate.

It is reported that "correction officers are 36 times more likely to suffer injuries than an average American office worker." Correction officers are on risk for psychological stress from fatalities on riots inside the prison cell.

Being a linguist is also a safe job, it will also be an in demand job over the next decade. There is also an 29 percent increase on the number of linguists over the past years.

Employee safety should always the priority of every company. However for those high-risk jobs, employees must make sure that they follow safety rules set by their employers for their safety.