A sinkhole 60-foot-wide has formed in the central Florida area and was seen Sunday. The sinkhole forced guests to evacuate their rooms as one building near the resort collapsed. Another building slowly sank, sources say.
The Summer Bay Resort located approximate 10 minutes from Walt Disney World had to evacuate its guests. The guests reportedly called for help before the building sank saying that they heard windows cracking. Thirty five people were removed from the resort before the building crumbled, authorities told the media. The evacuation of the guests of Summer Bay started shortly after 10:30 in the evening when one of the guests told security personnel about a "window blowing out". The guard then asked another co-worker to get everybody out according to Paul Caldwell, the resort's president.
"He estimated, I think, about 40 minutes after everyone was evacuated, the big fall came," Caldwell told the media referring to the security personnel who was in the building. "His quick thinking, in my opinion, saved lives, or limbs, or injuries," he added. No injuries or casualties were reported from the incident.
A husband and wife and their infant child had to escape through their bedroom window said one witness interviewed by CNN affiliate WFTV. "One woman was sitting in the tub, and the tub levitated, and that's when she just grabbed a pair of shorts and came out with nothing," one witness said. The woman is not the only person who left a number of things behind to which Caldwell said, "Those items ... to be very bluntly, realistic -- may never be retrieved. They are not going to let us in there to go get stuff for people."
The state of Florida is known for its mammoth sinkholes. Just this February, another one opened in the Tampa suburbs swallowing a 36-year-old man who was in his bedroom.