Getting A Job In 2017 Will Be Harder: Find Out How To Get An Advantage

There are some surveys that are saying that jobs will be harder to come by when 2017 comes. While most would try to point out that the economy is faltering and jobs are shutting down. The reasons are actually quite different. And with all this going on, a lot of people are looking for ways to gain an advantage.

The article by AOL is pointing out that the economy is actually getting stronger by next year. But with today's workforce propensity to jump from job to job and the country getting an overabundance of an available job. Then the country will be having this problem which the article call "voluntary turnover." It is the undesired effect when the economy is strong and people have more confidence in quitting their jobs for the smallest of reasons. This means that there will be more people to compete with when someone is seeking work. Here are some of the ways to gain an advantage when seeking a job in 2017.

Build a Network

It is always an advantage if the job seeker is someone who has been referred. So when seeking to gain entry into a company. Try to find out if you know anyone already inside that can be a good source for a referral. Check out this handy guide from Forbes on how to network properly.

Prepare for the interview

A lot of job applications end once the interviewer learns that the seeker did not do any homework about the company. It makes the interviewer feel as if the job hunter does not care and is definitely not a long term investment material for the company. Take an hour to research some things about the company before going into an interview.

Create the perfect resume.

An interviewer could receive to about a hundred resume depending on the size of the company. A little secret is that these recruiters are already looking for some things in the resume to help them weed it out to a manageable amount. Here is a good guide from Jobs & Hire on how to go about creating the perfect resume.