Gwyneth Paltrow Annoys Author; What Did She Say? [VIDEO & REPORT]

The event - author's night. The place - East Hampton Library. The people who were there included a number of authors, Alec Baldwin -its founder and yes, actress Gwyneth Paltrow.

"Since she arrived on the late side I had a chance to make some sales to new and repeat customers..." Oxenberg writes. Oxenburg noted that the crowds amassed later on when the actress arrived inspiring a queue for her to sign her book.

Confronted with Paltrow's massive signing line, Oxenburg decided to go to the snack table and then got hit by an idea. "I made a plate of miniature sloppy hamburgers, stinky steak sandwiches, and the like and hauled it back to my piece of table," Oxenburg writes. Her destination however was towards the conscientious vegan Paltrow who was busy signing autographs on her cookbook titled "It's All Good".

Oxenburg continues in her writing that, "Gwyneth's bodyguards blocked my re-entry despite my assurance I was a just an author and pointing at my name tag, 'No!' they growled, body blocking me. So I was forced to crawl under the table. And there I sat with my meat products, wafting the excellent smells toward my sleek vegan neighbor. She ignored the siren smells of protein. We never did say hello, although I did try to sell my book to her sleep vegan children. No bites."

Apparently the 'Iron Man' actress did not make friends with Christina Oxenburg who was there to sign copies of "Life Is Short" her new book. "Due to the inflexibility of the alphabet I had the questionable good fortune to be seated directly beside Gwyneth Paltrow," Oxenburg wrote in her blog after the event.

It's not just Christina Oxenburg who was upset by the movie star's presence though. Jay McInerney tweeted: "Author's night at East Hampton Library highjacked by movie stars with ghost- written cookbooks."

Oxenburg also tweeted to Sex and The City author Candace Bushnell: @CandaceBushnell I miss you my friend. We must do it together next year, I can change my name to Bushenberg so we can sit side by side.

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