Prince William Indirectly Humiliates Kate Middleton; Royal Couple Might File for Divorce?

Five years has already passed since the wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Kate Middleton. Their wedding watched all over the world, became a part of United Kingdom's History, and considered as the "Wedding of the Century". In addition, they now have two children: Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

After years of marriage, a lot of things happened to the royal couple. Especially now that they discovered a lot of things to each other. A report from Vanity Fair, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, talks about parenting with his wife, Kate Middleton.

It is not easy to raise kids, especially a daughter because Prince William grew up with his brothers and never had a sister. So now, he is learning a lot of things as what a father needs to know in raising a daughter. He also wants Prince George and Princess Charlotte to grow up being simple. According to CDL, the Prince does not want his kids to be materialistic, like buying things that they do not really need. What he wants is, they need to know that there are many people are living simple and never blinded by this materialistic world.

His interview became talk of the town as he made again another remark indirectly pointing his wife about being materialistic. There are news saying that the royal couple are now having some rough and tough time in their marriage. Reportedly, Kate's materialistic side is the reason why Prince William gives a hint on the interview referring to their children growing up being simple.

There are rumors that the royal couple might file a divorce any time. An article from HNGN reports that Prince William and Kate Middleton are now living separately. There are also several pictures where the Duke of Cambridge was not wearing his wedding ring. However, the Buckingham Palace is still protecting the royal couple from humiliation. These are still rumors and needs a confirmation.

Kate Middleton, Prince William