'The Last Of Us 2': Expected Release, Features And Rumors: Production Confirmed But Delayed

Gamers are waiting for the latest version of "The Last of Us 2" but there has been no confirmation as to when it will be released. Naughty Dog has approved its installment but it's launching may be delayed.

According to GameNGuide, director Neil Druckmann explained the game developers are presently working on the DLC version of "Uncharted 4". As soon as this project is finished and released, "The Last of Us" will be given top priority.

Developing a game takes at least three years including all production phases and final release. Director Druckmann stressed that the sequel "Last of Us 2" was not included in the original production plan.

Fab Newz reported that Naughty Dog released Unchartered 4 in May this year so the gaming public was expecting that development works on "The Last of Us 2" should have started soon afterward. Until the present, there has been no word from the developers. It is expected that when official news is confirmed on the first quarter of 2017, the game can be ready for release on late 2020 or the early part of 2021.

The original version of "The Last of Us" was horror survival themed and almost everyone agrees that this should be the same theme to use in the sequel. Many fans lauded the characters in the game and admitted that the combat set-up, visuals, and story line have made the game popular.

By all standards, reviewers have given a thumb up appraisal for the game and expect "The Last of Us 2" to provide the same excitement that the original game provided. Of course, it is expected that the new version will have much better features than the first version.

Expectations from the public put some pressure on the production team's efforts to develop "The last of Us 2". Observers believe fans' expectations only

Naughty dog