"A marginal number" of new $100 bills will be destroyed after a Federal Reserve's inspection showed errors in the printing of some of the bills.
“We shipped three million hundred-dollar notes to the Federal Reserve,” Darlene Anderson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, told ABC News. “During an inspection they noticed a defect in a marginal number of notes.”
She added that excessive ink was applied to some of the bills and "as a result, the ink in these notes didn’t stay in the area it was intended for.”
The defective bills will be destroyed inside the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Anderson told ABC News.
A document by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing showed that more than 30 million hundred-dollar bills were defective, the New Yorker reported.
The Federal Reserve will be charged for the reinspection of the notes, but the release of the new $100 will pursue on October 8, Anderson told the ABC News.
A July memo by Larry Felix, director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, stated that a delay on the debut of the new bills is "clearly unacceptable" and will have "dire consequences," the Politico reported.
“BEP sells Federal Reserve notes to the Board to finance our entire operation. If the BEP does not meet the order, the BEP does not get paid,” the memo said.
Safety features were added to the new $100 bill including the color blue 3-D security ribbon made to stop the illegal duplication of the money. The bill also features a "hidden message on Benjamin Franklin's collar."
The bill design was launched in 2010, but production difficulties caused the delay of its launching. When the bills were set to be released two years ago, a massive printing error also occurred.