London bridge isn't falling down, London officials just had to close the road Monday August 19 to get the bridge fixed. Traffic has been diverted to allow for a replacement for the crumbling London road bridge. The GBP 6.9 million project will build a different bridge to replace the 135-year-old structure which dates back to the Victorian era.
The Derby City Council acknowledged that the bridge replacement will cause a number of problems in terms of traffic in the area but told reporters that the bridge has already reached its end.
According to Derby City officials, the work that needs to be done is very important because the bridge has deteriorated to much that it's beyond repair. During the replacement of the bridge however, the road will be closed which means no vehicle access between Bateman and Litchurch. Bus services have already been informed about the diversion of traffic in the area, officials say.
While this could have been just a minor inconvenience if it was just closed for a day, a bridge cannot be built overnight. Officials say the bridge will reopen on August of 2014 which means that the route will be closed for a year.
The extra journey time have concerned many citizens but a London Road Community Hospital spokeswoman told reporters, "All patients need to be aware that the London Road Bridge will close on 18 August 2013 late evening through to September 2013."
"Buses that run along London Road 40, 41, 44, 45, 73, and the Skylink will be diverting from London Road along Pride Parkway from the Ascot Drive roundabout to serve the bus station," the spokeswoman added.
Authorities also told citizens that those who are traveling to the London Road Community Hospital should take the shuttle bus available from 6 in the morning to 9 in the evening. The shuttle goes via Siddals and Midland.